LabourStart - / Cook Islands

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Te Maeva Nui Celebrations

Cook Islands

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Te Maeva Nui Celebrations [Education International] 2023-08-18

Politicians move to ban journalist from parliament [IFJ] 2020-06-30

Strikes cause partial shutdowns of public hospitals [The Tico Times] 2019-08-06


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Today's labour news

Te Maeva Nui Celebrations 2023-08-18 [Education International]

Politicians move to ban journalist from parliament 2020-06-30 [IFJ]

Strikes cause partial shutdowns of public hospitals 2019-08-06 [The Tico Times]

Cook Islands footballer suing for wrongful dismissal 2019-05-24 [Radio New Zealand International]

South Pacific nurses forum to convene 2018-10-15 [NZNO-Toputanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa]